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We recommend to apply all inquiries on purchase of sporting weapon manufactured by IZHMASH CONCERN OJSC in 2008 to the following address:

Clyde Woods
Sales and Marketing
Russian American Armory Company
Phone: 1-877-752-2894
Fax: 812-752-7683
And we at AK USA are looking forward to a great year serving you and providing the highest quality product possible. Our craftsmanship and dedication to the custom rifle business shows in our work as well as our customer service.

Its been a long time but I've finally updated my site once again. I have to thank all of you for keeping me so busy and keeping me from some much needed site updates. Check out my new brakes as well as a new video. Keep an eye out for new pictures as I'll be posting updates frequently.

Welcome to the new and improved AK-103.com. Hope you enjoy the site, the overhaul was long overdue. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to drop me a line.
Chris Butler

To our valued customers:
We have finally released the absolute ultimate AK-102,4,5 compensator. This is the product of over 2 months work. This unique part will provide legal minimum barrel length for the short carbine projects, while retaining original features. At this time, the compensator is for custom projects only and is not sold separately.
Chris Butler

To our valued customers:
We have received a letter of compliance from the ATF regarding our Krinkov/74 Combo brake, which we use on our AK104 builds to reach the legal barrel length. Please feel free to read the letter: Page 1 Page 2
Chris Butler

To our valued customers:
We now understand that Tapco has perhaps acquired the tooling and rights to produce Gordon Technologies fire control parts. We have also learned that no inventory will exist until late October.
As such, we will use parts from other suppliers such as FSE, K-VAR, or Power Custom, depending on availability and customer request.
We may even develop our own, based on customer preferences and market need.
Chris Butler

To our valued customers:
It has come to our attention, from sources other than Gordon Technologies, our prior direct supplier of fire control parts, that they will no longer be supplying these items. We really don't know what happened to GTEC, only that an order placed on or about 7/2/03 has gone unanswered.
Chris Butler

AK-USA provides only the highest quality custom work. Months of painstaking time and effort go into every one of our handcrafted guns. We here at AK-USA strive for perfection to ensure that every custom rifle meets the standards of even the most distingushed buyer.
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