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What is AK-USA all about anyway?
AK-USA, a Type 07 FFL, S.O.T., is committed to providing the highest quality and best value rifles and conversions available, at any price. We believe that quality above all, is the most important aspect of Gunsmithing. This is why we use a mix of the finest quality original and US made parts that are manufactured to original quality standards. We will deliver a distinguished rifle that will provide a sense of pride in ownership. We have a genuine passion for all firearms, particularly AK pattern rifles and parts, and understand our customers are our business. In this sense, we try to provide a unique and freindly customer service experience.
What is a quality AK-100 series conversion?
All AK-100 series type rifles are based on the Russian Saiga hunting rifle. This is a sporterized form of the Russian military AK-100 series rifle that is made in the same factory as its military counterpart. We believe that a quality conversion starts with quality parts. This includes, but is not limited to the following:

A. U.S. manufactured furniture that duplicates original quality standards. Some features included are hand guards with original type metal heat shields and butt stocks with lightening cuts, and functional trapdoor. These parts are all molded with original specification polymer.

B. An original bullet feed guide riveted to the trunnion, as it is done from the factory on all military AK-100 series firearms, which assures correct feed geometry.

C. An original type compensator with pressed in baffle. This brake is manufactured by AK-USA using Mil. Spec. steel and heat-treated to original specifications.

D. Replacement of the Saiga front sight with original Bulgarian threaded front sight assembly with spring-loaded plunger. The compensator is then permanently attached by means of a blind pin and button-weld from the bottom. This is completely invisible before refinishing and yeilds a very clean, original look.

E. Complete refinishing, inside and out. The rifle is stripped to bare white metal and is then coated with an extremely durable powder coat suited to this application that closely matches gloss and texture of the original Russian finish, but is much more durable.

F. Rivet or weld old trigger pin holes. We use rivets that match existing receiver rivets or will weld all non-original receiver holes (6 in total) for an additional charge.

G. We supply two full under lugs on all AK-100 rifles to hold the threaded military cleaning rod.

H. U.S. made fire control parts are installed on all of our rifles as standard. These are all secured by means of an original shepard’s hook retainer spring.

I. In order to install the original type 2-piece hand guards, the barrel is stripped clean then machined to accept the original retainer. A military 90 degree gas tube completes the look.

J. All barrels, when applicable, are cut to correct length and professionally crowned for top accuracy.

K. Careful trigger guard relocation/replacement using rivets where they are intended to be used.
What is an AK-100 series rifle?
The AK-100 series rifles are Kalashnikov design, select fire firearms produced by Izhmash, The home of the AK. They are the latest models in the AK family (which also includes the AK-74M). The ‘Hundred Series’ designation is derived from a Soviet-era code for the Izhmash arsenal. The U.S. counterpart, as produced by AK-USA, is a semi-auto version with a fixed stock but but it is otherwise virtually identical. The following is a table to help layout some of the more important specifications of the different models.
AK-100 Series specifications
  AK-74m AK-101 AK-102 AK-103 AK-104 AK-105 AK-107 AK-108
Caliber 5.45x39mm 5.56x45 5.56x45 7.62x39 7.62x39 5.45x39 5.45x39 5.56x45
Weight 7.4lb 7.4lb 6.6lb 7.4lb 6.3lb 6.6lb 7.9lb 7.9lb
Barrel 16.3in 16.3in 12.4in 16.3in 12.4in 12.4in 16.3in 16.3in
Twist 1:7in 1:7in 1:7in 1:9.5in 1:9.5in 1:7in 1:7in 1:7in
Length O/A 37.1in 37.1in 32.4in 37.1in 34.2in 34.2in 37.1in 37.1in

What is a Saiga rifle?
A Saiga rifle is a Sporterized version of the Russian ‘100 series’ Kalashnikov rifle. It is the only configuration under current law, that can be legally imported. Some key differences are: The removal of the pistol grip, a sporting type stock added, a one piece handguard installed, and a proprietary 10 round magazine installed.
What is so unique about a semi-auto AK-100 series conversion?
Quite simply, it is a very high-quality rifle produced at the original factory (Izhmash) the birthplace of the AK. All other AK variants, while good to excellent, are still derivatives. Another consideration is that NO Russian AK variant was ever allowed into the country, even in pre-ban times.
What is wrong with my (fill in blank) AK?
Nothing at all. We are only trying to illustrate the quality and uniqueness of the Russian ‘100 series rifle’, and specifically the semi-auto converted rifle done by AK-USA, and possibly others, for that matter.
What is involved in a ‘proper’ conversion?
Conversion of these rifles is far more involved than merely replacing furniture and some of the major points are discussed here. All AK-100 series converted rifles begin life as a Saiga hunting Carbine. We start with a military front end that includes a 16.3” machine gun barrel, cut and crowned at Izhmash and an original gas tube and retainer. We then replace the entire front sight assembly with a threaded original military assembly; including active plunger and U.S.-manufacture exact copy brake. The fire control system is replaced with a U.S. made unit, and it’s mount is relocated forward to its original position. We then make provisions for a pistol grip and install one. Next we drill and rivet the original bullet guide to the trunion to assure correct geometry. Upon conversion, all rifles are completely stripped and refinished in either an ultra-durable fine texture powder-coat or phosphate coating.
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